



* Che i servizi a domanda individuale rappresentano un importante punto di contatto tra i Cittadini e l’amministrazione Comunale e costituiscono un insieme vasto di prestazioni pubbliche che vanno a soddisfare bisogni primari della collettività;

* Che il Decreto Legislativo 18 agosto 2000, n. 267, “Testo unico delle leggi sull’ordinamento degli enti locali, impone di allegare al Bilancio di Previsione degli Enti Locali, per i servizi a domanda individuale, i tassi di copertura in percentuale del costo di gestione dei servizi stessi;

* Che nel Bilancio di previsione per l’anno 2005 le percentuali di copertura relative ai proventi tariffari superano in due voci e per pochi punti percentuali il 100%, a fronte di una percentuale media del 74,05%;

* Che, data l’importanza di tali servizi per il tessuto sociale della Città, si ritiene che la copertura tariffaria di un servizio a domanda individuale non debba superare le spese di gestione da parte del Comune;


* Ad attuare adeguate iniziative atte a non superare il 100% di percentuale di copertura relativa ai proventi tariffari per i servizi a domanda individuale;

* A proseguire l’azione già intrapresa sulla rimodulazione tariffaria tesa a migliorare i profili in funzione della capacità di reddito di coloro che usufruiscono dei servizi;

I Firmatari:

Alessandro Ronchi


Pochi giorni fa ho creato il mio quarto blog tematico: buonanorma. Si tratta di un esperimento per raccogliere frasi di massimo 5 righe contenenti un messaggio ecologico.
L’inserimento delle frasi sarà il più libero possibile, e chiunque mi faccia richiesta avrà un account che gli permetterà di scrivere nuovi messaggi.

La pubblicazione delle buonenorme avverrà in duplice forma: da un lato rimarrà aperto il blog, dall’altro sarà possibile includere nelle proprie pagine una frase presa a caso dal database: buonanorma random.

Se avete una pagina scritta in php, quindi, vi basterà includere questo testo dove volete che appaia la frase (che cambierà ad ogni reload):

Mentre per quanto riguarda la formattazione, avete a disposizione due classi css che potete modellare a vostro piacimento. Io, ad esempio, ho aggiunto questo codice al mio foglio di stile css:

/* Buonanorma */

.bn {
color: #728d49;
padding 5px;
border: #ffffff dotted 2px;


.bn_title {
font-weight: bold;
/* End Buonanorma */

Già due pagine includono le frasi:

Mi piacerebbe sia ricevere i vostri contributi al database delle frasi, sia sapere che queste verranno inserite in altre pagine ancora.

Linux on iBook G4 12″ 1,2 Ghz

This howto describes the linux installation on an Ibook G4 12″ 1,2 Ghz ( LinuxOnIbookG4 )

Here you can find the files related to this document:

Download Configuration Files

This is my iBook G4 Version:

cpu info:

[sourcecode language=”java”]
root@abook aronchi # cat /proc/cpuinfo

processor : 0
cpu : 7447A, altivec supported
clock : 1200MHz
revision : 1.1 (pvr 8003 0101)
bogomips : 598.01
machine : PowerBook6,5
motherboard : PowerBook6,5 MacRISC3 Power Macintosh
detected as : 287 (iBook G4)
pmac flags : 0000001b
L2 cache : 512K unified
memory : 512MB
pmac-generation : NewWorld

The clock speed could be different because of speedfreq use, see below for more informations.

lspci info:

[sourcecode language=”java”]
root@abook aronchi # lspci
0000:00:0b.0 Host bridge: Apple Computer Inc. UniNorth 2 AGP
0000:00:10.0 VGA compatible controller: ATI Technologies Inc M9+ 5C63 [Radeon Mobility 9200 (AGP)] (rev 01)
0001:10:0b.0 Host bridge: Apple Computer Inc. UniNorth 2 PCI
0001:10:12.0 Network controller: Broadcom Corporation BCM4306 802.11b/g Wireless LAN Controller (rev 03)
0001:10:17.0 Class ff00: Apple Computer Inc. KeyLargo/Intrepid Mac I/O
0001:10:18.0 USB Controller: Apple Computer Inc. KeyLargo/Intrepid USB
0001:10:19.0 USB Controller: Apple Computer Inc. KeyLargo/Intrepid USB
0001:10:1a.0 USB Controller: Apple Computer Inc. KeyLargo/Intrepid USB
0001:10:1b.0 USB Controller: NEC Corporation USB (rev 43)
0001:10:1b.1 USB Controller: NEC Corporation USB (rev 43)
0001:10:1b.2 USB Controller: NEC Corporation USB 2.0 (rev 04)
0002:20:0b.0 Host bridge: Apple Computer Inc. UniNorth 2 Internal PCI
0002:20:0d.0 Class ff00: Apple Computer Inc. UniNorth/Intrepid ATA/100
0002:20:0e.0 FireWire (IEEE 1394): Apple Computer Inc. UniNorth 2 FireWire (rev 81)
0002:20:0f.0 Ethernet controller: Apple Computer Inc. UniNorth 2 GMAC (Sun GEM) (rev 80)

Linux Installation

I’ve installed a Gentoo, following the ppc handbook. After a base installation, you can use my conf files to make your iBook G4 a real lovely GNU/Linux (Gentoo) home.

Kernel Config

Copy my .config file into /usr/src/linux (or wherever you did copy the kernel source files) and do a

[sourcecode language=”java”]make oldconfig[/sourcecode]



This is my make.conf file:


I’ve managed to make 3D acceleration with DRI work and VGA out, also together.
So, If you want to use 3D acceleration without MergedFB or Xinerama, take my xorg.conf

This option make a faster 3D acceleration, but video output will not work.

But if you want to use Xinerama with dual head configuration, without 3D acceleration (both clone mode and one screen left of the other), you want to use that:
Xorg.conf.dual with a cvs or => 6.8.2 Xorg version (because you need these xorg radeon patches, merged only in newer xorg versions. If you don’t want to overwrite your existing xorg version, you can build xorg from cvs as in this xorg-cvs-howto.txt , with my host.def.

NB: if you want to have the two screens spanning on OSX you must patch your iBook with that Spanning Patch Ibook: I suggest you to do that if you know what you’re doing. It’s not necessary if you use only Linux.

I made MergedFB working, so now I have a clone mode (VGA out is the same of the TFT) with 3D DRI acceleration.
You must use this simple configuration:

NB: These 3 configurations are alternative, you can use one.

Make the Apple key works as Altgr and the keyboard more linux confortable

My Apple G4 12″ doesn’t have any Altgr Key, so it’s impossibile to write composed symbols as @ or #. To correct this problem, you can do this procedure on Gnome:

1. Computer -> Desktop Preferences -> Keyboard
2. “Layout Options” tab
3. In the right-hand list open the “Third level choosers” group
4. Highlight “Press Left Win-key to choose 3rd level”
5. Click “Add”

Or add this to keyboard section on /etc/X11/xorg.conf file:

[sourcecode language=”java”]”XkbOptions” “lv3:lwin_switch”[/sourcecode]

My xorg.conf file keyboard section is:

[sourcecode language=”java”]
Section “InputDevice”
Identifier “Keyboard0”
Driver “keyboard”
Option “XkbKeycodes” “macintosh”
Option “XkbSymbols” “macintosh/us”
Option “XkbGeometry” “macintosh”
Option “XkbOptions” “ctrl:nocaps, lv3:lwin_switch”
Option “XkbRules” “xfree86”
Option “XkbModel” “pc105”
Option “LeftAlt” “Meta”
Option “RightAlt” “LWin”
Option “XkbLayout” “it”

On the US keyboard, the ~ and +/- keys aren’t mapped correctly.
add these lines to a startup script:

[sourcecode language=”java”]
xmodmap -e “keycode 49 = section plusminus”
xmodmap -e “keycode 94 = quoteleft asciitilde”

Three Button Mouse Emulation

I usually use an external USB three button mouse, but I want to have an alternative access to the middle and right button without the external mouse.
To use an alternative key to emulate the mouse buttons, you must do:

[sourcecode language=”java”]
echo “1” > /proc/sys/dev/mac_hid/mouse_button_emulation

The standard keys now are on Fn+CTRL for middle button and Fn+alt for right button.
If you want to change the keys, you must do:

[sourcecode language=”java”]
echo “68” > /proc/sys/dev/mac_hid/mouse_button2_keycode
echo “87” > /proc/sys/dev/mac_hid/mouse_button3_keycode

Remember, you must do these commands every boot, so you can add to an init script.

You can change the keycodes 68 and 87 writing your own. To view what keycode is a button press you can use:

[sourcecode language=”java”]
[sourcecode language=”java”]

If your distro supports /etc/sysctl.conf, you can add these lines to this file:
[sourcecode language=”java”]
# Mouse button emulation:
dev/mac_hid/mouse_button_emulation = 1
#dev/mac_hid/mouse_button2_keycode = 68
#dev/mac_hid/mouse_button3_keycode = 87

Uncomment the last lines if you want to edit the keycodes.


In order to make the keyword and the power management more usable, i use pbbuttons:

[sourcecode language=”java”
emerge pbbuttonsd
rc-update add pbbuttonsd default

Now you must configure the /etc/pbbuttons.conf file. Here is mine:


Kernel 2.6.11 comes with support for putting the iBook G4 to sleep. However you still have to enable it when configuring the kernel.

Benh has released a patch that supports Apple iBook g4 sleep: you need it if you have a kernel version < 2.6.11.
You can find the 2.6.9 patch version also here:
Just apply it to kernel source with

[sourcecode language=”java”]
cp ./albook-ibookg4-sleep-4.diff.gz /usr/src/linux
cd /usr/src/linux
gunzip ./albook-ibookg4-sleep-4.diff.gz
patch -p1 < albook-ibookg4-sleep-4.diff make menuconfig [/sourcecode] And add the Powerbook Power Management in the Drivers -> Macintosh kernel configuration section

After that, you can use pbbuttons to make the iBook sleep when the LCD is closed.


Some problems with sleep function comes from modules loaded (usb, thermal, etc). You can solve them if you use powerprefs. Before going to sleep, your iBook must do:

[sourcecode language=”java”]
lsmod | cut -f 1 -d ” ” | grep -v Module | xargs > /tmp/modules.loaded
rmmod `cat /tmp/modules.loaded`

and after resume it must do:

[sourcecode language=”java”]
for module in `cat /tmp/modules.loaded`
modprobe $module

In gentoo you must install app-laptop/powerprefs and use my /etc/power/event.d/modules file.

CPU Variable Speed

To make you iBook a less battery user, you can alter automagically the cpu freq in order to use only the calculation power you need. So, when you use all the cpu, it works at the 100% of his speed, but when you don’t use it the cpu runs slower to get colder.

I’ve used speedfreq:

[sourcecode language=”java”]
emerge speedfreq
rc-update add speedfreqd default

Fan speed

To get a better control of your iBook G4 temperature and fan speed, you can use the module therm_adt746x.

[sourcecode language=”java”]
modprobe therm_adt746x

or put the module into your /etc/modules.autoload file


The module I use and I load at startup are written into a file called /etc/modules.autoload.d/kernel-2.6:
modules.autoload ( My /etc/modules.autoload.d/kernel-2.6 )

[sourcecode language=”java”] sungem
ohci_hcd #usb 1
ehci_hcd #usb 2
ohci1394 #firewire
usb_storage #mp3 mplayer and Sony digital camera
snd-powermac #for sound
snd-pcm-oss #for sound
usb-serial #for GPRS using my sony ericsson phone
visor # for palm m125
#apm_emu #emulate APM (power management)
therm_adt746 #fan control (I use fan_speed=128)
uinput #for mouseemu
uninorth-agp #for DRI (agpgart will come with it)
radeon #for DRI 3D video acceleration
therm_adt746x # to control fan speed and temp


You can configure the sound card with alsa modules and either using a sound daemon (i.e. arts), or by using oss emulation output. You can insert arts in USE flags, as I do.

Mac On Linux

Mol runs correctly on my iBook, with networking enabled.
It’s necessary to add this use flag:


before emerging //MOL//.


[sourcecode language=”java”]

and now edit


to get fullscreen with MOL. Now you have linux on CTRL+ALT+F7 an MacOSX on CTRL+ALT+F8

I use an external ADSL eth0 router with dhcp, so I’ve used tun.ko kernel module and this configuration for mol:


I use the internal dhcp so in MOL I don’t have to specify an address.


I use this settings for hdparm, to increase hard disk performances and decrease the hdd temperature:
[sourcecode language=”java”]
hdparm -S 1 -d1 -m16 -c1 -X udma5 /dev/hda

Make sure to load this settings on every boot.

Time config

Since I have also MacOSX, I had a problem with my clock settings. The hardware clock is set to UTC time by MacOSX, and my Linux system on everyboot read the time from the hardware clock, thinking this is set against my local time (Europe/Rome, CEST).
To solve this problem, you must tell hwclock to use –utc when used to update your system time.
In a RedHat/Fedora system is really simple, once known the origin of the problem:
Simply write this few lines into /etc/sysconfig/clock

[sourcecode language=”java”]

Airport Extreme Wireless Driver

It seems ( someone has written a driver for the Broadcom 43xx wireless chip, the one inside AirPort Extreme included into our iBook G4. It needs 2.6.14 kernel, and I’ve uploaded my config file for the 2.6.14-rc4 (the latest 2.6.14 branch I’ve found at this time).

Now you must get the firmware of your driver. Let /media/macosx be the MacOSX partition mount point. then you must use the fwcutter utility in the package:

[sourcecode language=”java”]
./fwcutter /media/macosx/System/Library/Extensions/AppleAirPort2.kext/Contents/MacOS/AppleAirPort2

and then copy the *.fw files on

[sourcecode language=”java”]
cp *.fw /lib/firmware/

If you want, I’ve made a copy of the driver you can download:
I loaded the bcm430x driver correctly, but I don’t have a wireless access point here, so I cannot try if it works.

Articolo su Sesto Potere #2

Riporto un’altro articolo uscito oggi su Sesto Potere:

(Sesto Potere) – Forlì – 6 giugno 2004 – Alessandro Ronchi, candidato per i Verdi al Consiglio Comunale di Forlì, interviene con un comunicato sul tema dell’handicap e il diritto di voto.
“C’è una categoria di cittadini – nota – , già colpiti in modo evidente dalla sfortuna, che risulta ulteriormente penalizzata dalle norme vigenti. Mi riferisco a quei cittadini costretti all’immobilità, presso il loro
domicilio, a causa di malattie inabilitanti. Persone che continuano, peraltro, a mantenere complete e inalterate le loro capacità intellettuali. In sostanza queste persone non hanno diritto al voto! La normativa vigente prevede un seggio mobile da utilizzare esclusivamente presso le strutture ospedaliere; inoltre la Croce Rossa ha attivato un proprio servizio di trasporto per quelle persone costrette a casa, ma in grado di sopportare un trasporto al seggio competente”.
“Nulla invece – aggiunge – è concesso a chi non si può assolutamente muovere dal proprio letto, indipendentemente dalla propria volontà. In questi casi è evidente la lacuna legislativa, lacuna che dovrà essere immediatamente
compensata da un’apposita legge che consenta questi concittadini di manifestare il proprio voto. Una legge, immagino, trasversale a tutte le ideologie o partipolitiche”.
Alessandro Ronchi, si ripromette sin d’ora a indirizzare le sue forze per raggiungere questo semplice risultato.
(Sesto Potere)

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